• Synththesizer is a visual synthesizer that  invites users to manipulate AI parameters through tactile inputs, turning a digital process into a sensory experience.

    Synththesizer's philosophy is rooted in democratizing the understanding of AI art. Instead of taking a stand in the ongoing debates surrounding AI in creativity, it aims to provide an accessible entry point for individuals to engage with, comprehend, and form their own opinions on AI-generated art.

    This work was left running for one week in the Chidlaw Gallery located at the Art Academy Of Cincinnati for the Menagerie Exhibition (Photos of the exhibition here)

  • Stable Diffusion - Automatic 1111: Running on a local URL to receive & send API calls.

    Python: To handle MIDI inputs, user interface, and payloads to API. This also includes triggering a sound I wrote along with light animations when users press enter. Regulating user inputs to prevent the system from breaking. Along with saving images and corresponding metadata (for UI display, documentation, and visual data amalgamation to study user patterns, such as average steps, most used words, etc.).

  • A laser engraving-cutting machine was used to cut two-way mirror vinyl-wrapped acrylic for the control board and to engrave custom-painted metal labels for buttons and knobs. This acrylic was placed on top of a wooden podium with a 15° angled top, cut and frosted acrylic to float over the wooden base, inset LEDs to make the acrylic glow and a frame over the whole thing using 1/16" aluminum. The podium has two inset shelves: the first is wrapped in mirrored vinyl to reflect LEDs through the two-way mirror control board, creating the infinity mirror illusion; the second shelf, unseen by the user, houses the electronics.

Special thanks to Joey McElroy for help on ideation/design -  Noah Trenaman for advice on software - Limore Shur for mentorship